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What Exactly Is Kalo and How Does It Work So Well?

What Exactly Is Kalo™ & How Does It Work So Well?

Kalo™ is a light, soothing, herbal based aqueous mist that you spray on after shaving, waxing, or sugaring. It was formulated by top Canadian scientists and underwent 5 years of extensive safety and anecdotal tests before its 1997 debut.

Its magical inhibiting powers work in the following manner: physically removing hair creates tiny openings in your skin where the hairs previously resided. This is where Kalo™ unleashes its magic, absorbing into the skin and creating an enzymatic reaction. Kalo's proprietary formula works directly in the follicle, neutralizing the key elements necessary for hair to grow, without damaging skin tissue or causing irritation. In short, it safely tricks the cells to stop reproducing a healthy hair.



After each removal session, you will notice that 10-15% of your hair will not grow back. The remaining hair that does regrow will be much weaker, finer, and have less color. Within 6 months, you could expect up to 50% of your hair to be permanently eliminated. Best of all, with continued usage in conjunction with waxing or tweezing, growth can ultimately be ceased completely. Think about how convenient it would be if you never had to shave again - EVER!

Even in a worst case scenario - a man with a very dense, coarse beard who shaves two or three times a day - the growth can be retarded to the point that this person need shave only two or three times a week.