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What can I do about ingrowing hairs?

14th May 2019

Ingrown hairs are essentially hairs which instead of growing straight up out of the hair follicle, curl up and grow inwards. This results in the hair becoming trapped under the skin's epidermis where a slight bacterial infection forms often with a resulting spot or at least a hair which is visibly trapped.

It is best not to pick out the hairs otherwise that can result in scarring from the instrument that you use whether it is your nail or a set of tweezers. Instead, a better option would be to use a brush which is specifically designed to exfoliate ingrown hairs. That will help to release any trapped hairs. It is then advisable to use a treatment product which will help clear out the infection and thereby allow the hairs to grow outwards and upwards rather than inwards and under the skin. The two products recommend for this are as follows:

You may also choose to use a specific tweezer for very irritating or challenging areas. However please do be careful with tweezers . You should not use it roughly as that can result in scarring. There is a specific splinter tweezer with a very fine nib which is specifically for ingrown hairs.

The final solution would be to eliminate the hair growth completely - best by laser treatment.