Posted by Manny Y on 6th Apr 2015
The cabbage soup diet is amongst the extreme diet plans that have survived the test of time. It’s been around for decades and has been passed on in several forms, now including the internet. The principle behind this crash diet is that you’ll be eating nothing but cabbage soup for seven days straight. It should never be adapted as a long-term eating plan because it is severely deficient in nutrients and calories.
But what are the advantages of the cabbage soup diet?
The first and most important one is that it is a very efficient way to lose weight in a very short time. If you follow the diet program correctly, ten pounds can easily be reduced in one week.
Two, since, you can eat as much of the soup whenever you want, you will never feel hungry while on the cabbage soup diet. Unlike most diet plans that limit your calorie intake through cutting down on your food intake, this one gives you the freedom to indulge – on soup, of course.
Three, it is an easy to follow diet since all you need is cabbage soup and a little variety of fruits and vegetables. There are no complicated steps to follow and no special or complex preparations needed.
Four, it is a good way to cleanse the colon of the junk you normally eat daily. As you mainly eat vegetables, it does not contain highly processed foods plus there is very little sugar in it.
Five, compared to other diet plans, the cabbage soup diet won’t cost you much. You don’t need to purchase expensive pills or diet supplements. You can do it yourself and all the ingredients you need are right there in your kitchen.
Six, you don’t need to cook every day. At the beginning of your diet week, you can prepare the soup stock and refrigerate it. Then every time you want to eat, just throw in the diced veggies plus cabbage and you’re ready to go.
As long as you stick to the cabbage soup diet for only seven days, you don’t really need to worry about severe side effects. But one thing you might want to prevent is hair loss that comes with every radical weight loss diet. Since you are depriving yourself of the essential nutrients and proteins, the natural reaction of your body is to conserve these meager resources for use on major organs. One the first parts to be left out is the hair as it serves only a minor role in the body. That’s why most dieters experience extreme hair loss. A simple way to stop hair loss is by using a natural shampoo like Nisim Shampoo, made only with organic herbs and B complex vitamins to ensure continuous nourishment for your hair even while you’re on this extreme diet program.