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Posted by Manny Y on 8th Apr 2015

Removing unwanted hair by shaving can be a tedious routine. It is messy, time consuming and can cause razor bumps or ingrown hairs sometimes. Another common hair removal technique is waxing. Waxing is also a bit messy, but hair re-growth is delayed because the hair is pulled from the roots, great advantage there. The downside of waxing is the pain you have to go through, some even faint especially for first timers whom swears not to wax again.

If you want a pain free and easy hair removal then try using Andre Hair Remover. Andre Hair Remover is a depilatory cream that painlessly removes hair by melting hair very close to the skin and you won’t expect hair re-growth for about three weeks, it’s better than shaving or waxing. Andre’s extra strength formula is specially made for men, so you are assured even the most stubborn course hair are safely removed.

Andre works by dissolving hair by disrupting or destroying the sulphur bonds of hair. Sulphur bonds are an integral part of the hairs structure. The more sulphur bonds are there in a single hair strand, the curlier or course it gets, lesser sulphur bonds means straighter hair. All this chemical reaction occurs underneath the skin, making hair re-growth longer, much longer than shaving.

Applying Andre is simple: Clean the area to be treated thoroughly using a warm soapy wash cloth and make sure the skin is oil free. This will open the pores so that the cream could penetrate further into the hair follicles. Apply the cream and wait for a few minutes, then wipe the cream out and your done. You will notice as you wipe out the cream, you’re also wiping all the hair out and you won’t notice any hair re-growth for three weeks. The process is absolutely pain free.

Though using Andre is generally safe to use, it is best to do a skin test before using any depilatory creams for the first time. Dab some cream on a small area on your arm or leg and wait for a few minutes. If you feel a burning sensation, discontinue use. It is also important to note that Andre is a body depilatory cream and cannot be used for the face and intimate area.