Posted by Manny Y on 6th Apr 2015
An ingrown hair is a condition when hair curls and grows back into the skin instead of rising up from it. In most cases, dried sebum and dead skin cells can clog up the hair follicle opening, further entrapping the hair, forcing it to roll up like a ball, hence forming a cyst like bump on the skin.
Ingrown hairs are not serious, but they can get infected causing a lot of pain. Also, the infected ingrown hair can swell up and form pus inside which can be an unpleasant sight.
The most common cause of ingrown hairs is shaving, but any type of hair removal technique or anything that can break the hair unevenly causing a sharp tip can cause ingrown hairs like waxing and thigh clothing.
The best way to treat an ingrown hair is by using an ingrown hair remover, this will help remove the dead skin cells and dried sebum to unclogging the hair follicle allowing the hair follicle to grow outwards. The use of an ingrown hair remover early will prevent nasty infections preventing you from visiting your doctor.
Not all exfoliating products are the same, some are chemical based which are harmful to skin and cannot be used on sensitive areas. Natural based products like Kalo Ingrown Hair Remover are milder, safer and equally effective in treating ingrown hairs.