Posted by Manny Y on 8th Apr 2015
We have grown accustomed to seeing men lose their hair as they grow older. For men, being bald is socially acceptable, because most men really do suffer from hair loss when they come of age, but for some having no hair can be physically appealing. Celebrities like Vin Diesel, Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson, Bruce Willis and Sean Connery have made bald really appealing, sexy even.
Unfortunately for women, we rarely see female celebrities go bald. But most women don’t go out proud with a bald spot, most of the time they keep it hidden.
The most common cause of hair loss in women and in men is androgenetic alopecia. This is a genetic form of hair loss and can be passed on from one generation to another. It is believed that the mother carries the hair loss gene.
Androgenetic alopecia occurs because our hair follicles on the scalp becomes sensitive to the hormone dihydrotestosterone or DHT. DHT is a very potent androgen, much powerful than testosterone. In fact, DHT come from testosterone when acted upon by an enzyme called 5 alpha reductase.
You might be confused because testosterone is a male hormone. Unfortunately, women too have small amounts of testosterone produced by the adrenal glands. Studies have shown that the level of DHT does not encourage faster loss of hair, because even men with very little DHT on their system still suffer from hair loss. Therefore, even small amounts of DHT in women can cause generalized hair thinning.
Fortunately, there are ways to safely stop the effects of DHT on the scalp. Nisim Biofactors is a tri-product (shampoo, conditioner and herbal extract) is specifically made to stimulate hair growth – naturally. Nisim Biofactors encourage hair growth by providing the nutrients the hair needs, it also contain special herbal actives that naturally shield the hair follicles from DHT, no DHT means new hair growth. Nisim Biofactors does this all in the scalp and doesn’t affect DHT in the body; therefore, doesn’t cause any side effects.