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​How to feed your Hair with Nutritional Ingredients

​How to feed your Hair with Nutritional Ingredients

26th Jun 2019

There is only so much you can consume not to mention the limitations regarding taste and practicality (it’s not so easy to crack open eggs when showering).You may therefore want to try products which contain nutritional ingredients. Some great ingredients to incorporate in your daily routine are eggs, apple cider vinegar ,castor oil, honey, coconut oil, seaweed, cysteine and biotin. At Body4real we have selected a range of products which you can try all year round according to your hair care needs. Try the apple cider vinegar for dandruff, charcoal shampoo for black hair, beer shampoo for shiny hair and fast shampoo for boosting hair growth. We also have pure Japanese seaweed which is a great treatment product and ....coming soon an egg based all natural shampoo.