Posted by Manny Y on 6th Apr 2015
All head shavers know the HeadBlade, the best product known to get a perfect shaved head. The inventor of the HeadBlade, Todd Greene, who is of course a head shaver himself, invented the HeadBlade because he was so frustrated using a disposable razor to shave his head. He noticed that the handle of disposable razors are not made for head shaving. The blades on the other hand are actually doing what they’re supposed to do – shave off hair.
After years of trial and error, the Headblade was made. Since the traditional handle of the razor isn’t fit for head shaving, Todd had thought of an ingenuous design, he made a ring that slides into the middle finger, using your hand as the handle. Yes, your hand as a handle! And instead of pulling the blades and adding some pressure during shaving like your regular razors, the HeadBlade does not need pressure to shave, just let the blades slide and let them do their thing. Remember — push the blades and no pressure.
Headblade team also made their own blades: HB triple and double razors. They also knew that not everyone will like their blades, so they made special adaptors to fit other brands.
There are two types of adaptors:
The Yellow adaptor fits the HB triple and double blades and Altra-type blades like the Gillette Atra(Plus), Gillette Contour Plus and Schick Ultratrex blades.
The Black Adaptors fit the HB Triple and double blades, and Sensor-type blades like the Gillette Sensor and Gillette Sensor Excel .
Whichever blades you prefer, just pop out the adapter and lock in those blades to the HeadBlade, then shave away.