Posted by Manny Y on 6th Apr 2015
When your hair starts to gray, you can easily cover it up with a hair dye. There are a lot of hair dye products available with all sorts of shades to match your hair colour. But when your mustache hairs starts to gray, you can not use regular hair dye products because the area around the lips and face are sensitive.
This is where Just For Men comes in. Just For Men is a unique hair dye specially made for sensitive areas of the face. The brush-in gel can penetrate even the thickest and course facial hairs and last until new gray hairs grow back. Also, one box of Just For Men last a long time, you can apply multiple times before buying a new one.
Each box contain a applicator brush and two tubes: one tube is an accelerator and the other is the actual colour/dye. Each tube contain 14.2 grams of dying material which can be used multiple times.
As Just for Men only colour gray hair, it is important to replace the gray with subtle tones that match your own natural hair colour. The dying process takes only 5 minutes and last for up to 6 weeks, until the grey grows out.