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Posted by Manny Y on 8th Apr 2015

Hair loss is one problem every man will have to face at some point in their lives. Sadly, even women are affected by this too. Worst of all, women are more affected by hair loss because of the simple fact that a woman’s hair is part of who they are, it’s part of their beauty, their personality. It is every woman nightmare to losing their hair.

Fortunately, women don’t go totally bald like men do. Typical hair loss in women is generalized, loss is spread out all over the scalp and total hair loss is rare. This is a big advantage because there are ways to naturally keep hair growing healthy, so that any further hair fall can be prevented. Also, it very important to know if you have a history of hair loss, so that early intervention can be done.


If you know you have a history of hair loss, you must learn to accept it. If you deny you’re family history and go saying “no, it won’t happen to me”, this won’t allow you take advantage of prevention. It is much more difficult to treat hair loss, so preventing it is the best option.

Natural Hair Loss Treatment

The best way to prevent hair loss is to use a natural hair loss treatment. This is the safest way in prevent hair loss. The use of chemical based products as a preventive measure can lead to all sorts of health problems and could even increase hair loss because some of these products can cause severe scalp itching.

Natural hair loss treatments like Nisim Biofactors are safe to use because it contain only natural ingredients like Amino acids, B-complex vitamins and herbal actives to stimulate hair growth.


A scalp massage is very important in stimulating new hair growth. Massaging the scalp help increase blood circulation, increasing nutrient and oxygen transfer to the hair follicles and therefore increasing hair growth.


Taking your supplement daily is also good in preventing hair loss. Vitamins are coenzymes that help metabolize food more efficiently. Certain deficiencies like biotin deficiency can cause hair loss, so it is important to take your daily supplements.