Posted by Manny Y on 7th Apr 2015
Giving birth is probably one of big and joyful event in a mother’s life. Though this is one of the happy moments for a mom can experience, there are somedepressing and unavoidable events that can occur and a good example is post partum hair loss.A few percentages of mothers who have just given birth experience this type of hair loss. Some have mild to massive hair fall, which could start a few days or weeks
following childbirth. Unfortunately, post partum hair loss can last for months if the mother is not eating enough food and breast feeding simultaneously.There are a lot of contributing factors that can lead to post partum hair loss like:
First, is the stress of giving birth. Imagine the
many hours oflabor and pain a mother have to endure. Not to mention all the blood loss which can lessen proper oxygenation delivery to different tissues in the body and this include the hair.Hormonal Changes
During pregnancy estrogen levels are higher than usual and this hormone works is like fertilizer to the hair. Estrogen
prolongs the anagen phase or the phase of active growth, this is why why pregnant women have beautiful thick hair. After giving birthestrogen levels drastically decreases and this instantly converts from the anagen phase to telogen phase or the phase where hair naturally falls out. Drastic hormonal changes can cause mild to severe hair loss.Lack of Food Intake
Don’t even think of dieting when you’re breast feeding. When breast feeding it is
crucial that you eat a well balance diet because you’re not only providing nutrients for yourself but you’re also providing nutrients to your child as well via breast milk. If in any case, you did not eat properly, the body will take the nutrients it can to supply the milk your child needs – talk about self sacrifice, but this is what the body does and the lack of nutrition can cause hair to fall.Collectively, the causes above lead to a condition called telogen effluvium. Fortunately, this is a temporary type of hair loss. A hair loss treatment is not really needed but nutrient rich treatments help hasten hair growth.