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Celebrity Beauty Treatments - starting with Japanese Birds Droppings

Celebrity Beauty Treatments - starting with Japanese Birds Droppings

20th Nov 2019

What a treat to be reviewed by the Guardian newspaper. It’s true the Japanese Nightingales birds droppings are not for everyone but if you are looking for an unusual product this has to be it. Famously known to have been used by Victoria Beckham these are indeed actual birds droppings / bird poo.. The droppings have been collected, dried and treated for hygiene reasons and then used as a face soap or mask. The benefits are well renowned from the time they were first used on geishas skin.

The key ingredients for an effective bird poo facial are urea and guanine, both of which are renowned for their skin brightening properties.

If you are looking for clearer looking skin powered by bird poo enzymes then try this.