​How to feed your Hair with Nutritional Ingredients

​How to feed your Hair with Nutritional Ingredients

26th Jun 2019

There is only so much you can consume not to mention the limitations regarding taste and practicality (it’s not so easy to crack open eggs when showering).You may therefore want to try products which contain nutritional ingredients. Some great ingredients to incorporate in your daily routine are eg …
​Why choose Organic Cotton Clothing ?

​Why choose Organic Cotton Clothing ?

30th May 2019

We are facing so many allergies and toxic elements from the environment, that going organic even on a small scale makes sense. More and more people are consuming organic food acknowledging the benefits to our body. Organic cotton is essentially untreated cotton in its natural form. It has typically …
​What is best for an oily scalp?

​What is best for an oily scalp?

16th May 2019

Too many people think of an oily scalp as a problem. They exacerbate the “problem” by avoiding washing their hair. It is important to understand that an oily scalp needs to be regulated. The best way to do this is to use a product which is specifically formulated for that condition. It is important …

What can I do about ingrowing hairs?

14th May 2019

Ingrown hairs are essentially hairs which instead of growing straight up out of the hair follicle, curl up and grow inwards. This results in the hair becoming trapped under the skin's epidermis where a slight bacterial infection forms often with a resulting spot or at least a hair which is visi …
What are the options for removing pubic hair on men at home?

What are the options for removing pubic hair on men at home?

Posted by Naffisa on 27th Apr 2019

There are really only a few viable options for safe and effective care removal on the pubic area for men. Consider that most men would prefer the hair removal to be pain free and not very complicated to perform at home.Hair removal/ depilatory creams:Due to the chemical content in hair removal cream …