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Posted by Manny Y on 8th Apr 2015

Don’t you always find it awkward asking your partner to shave your hairy back for you? Having too much body hair can be embarrassing sometimes, but this is easily solved with a handy razor, right? But back hair shaving can be real problem, because no matter how you reach, stretch or bend, you can’t perfectly shave your back by yourself.

So, what can you do to stop all the humiliating back hair shaving favors? Fortunately, there is one company that made a product especially for back hair shaving – the Razorba!

The Razorba is a unique tool for shaving back hair, just attach your favorite razor and start shaving. It is specially designed for a one man, do it yourself shave, so you don’t have to ask anyone for help when shaving your back.

There are four variants of Razorba: the Razorba Classic, the Razorba Warhammer, the Razorba Silencer and the Razorba Sum3 Power.

Razorba Classic

The blue Razorba Classic is a made of high impact ABS plastic, the same material used in making ski helmets. The hallow shell makes it light weight and is compatible with: Gillette Mach3, Gillette Sensor Excel, Bic and most disposables.

Razorba War Hammer

The red Razorba War Hammer features the Hamr Grip™ II grabbing technology. It supports all the razors of the Razorba Classic and Silencer and adding Gillette Fusion Power Gillette Fusion, Gillette M3Power Gillette Phantom. This is the best Razorba model.

Razorba Silencer

The black Razorba Silencer has a Hamr Grip™ I grabbing technology; it supports all the razors on the Razorba Classic plus the Gillette M3Power.

Razorba Sum3 Power

The Razorba Sum3 Power is basically a War Hammer with a three inch wireless trimmer. You get two products in one: a trimmer and a shaver.

The Razorba War Hammer and Razorba Silencer both have the Super Shock Solid Core design. The unique design is a four step process that makes a solid core, making it extra durable, two times heavier than the Razorba Classic for better feel and control. Both Razorbas are made to last a lifetime.